Saturday, 29 November 2014

Start stringing the bottom

To keep the shape of the fuz I'm going to string the bottom before sheeting. So I've passed timber through the fuz to hold it level. Also making sure that it's ture to the plan.

Friday, 28 November 2014

Test the retracts

I have just put the retracts in to test the fit. Electric retracts have been chosen for this model. The legs are the wrong size but I'll sort that out later.

Thursday, 27 November 2014

Glue in the stringers

The 1/8 x 1/4 stringers are glued in place. Loads more to go...

Start to install the stringers

With the crutch pinned to the cradle. I checked the alignment (again) and started to install the stringers. This should fix the fuz shape.

Wednesday, 26 November 2014

Dry fit the wing.

To check the wing alignment and angle I dry fitted the wing. The wing dihedral should be 1 1/2" but it measures 1 3/4" so some adjustment is required. I will change the position of the wing tube hole and get it re-cut to bring the wing down by 1/4".

Every thing looks OK

The cnc cut formers seem to line up ok. The next thing to do dry fit the wing and check the wing angles.

Dry fit the formers

The crutch was made on the plan. It was then lifted onto some 9" timber to support the fuz. The formers are them slid on to the crutch. This initial test proved the drawing and CNC. So far so good.

Second formers cut

Fuz formers are cut.

First CNC formers cut

 The first of the wing formers from the CNC. Note that the wing tube length has been extended to pass though the first three formers and those formers are made of birch ply and not lite ply.

CAD done

The paper drawing was scanned into PDF and the formers traced and altered ready for transferring to a format ready for cutting. The different colours are for the different types of ply. Additional birch ply has been selected as the original model was designed for a ducted and and the intention is to install a turbine. All the formers around the wing section and the from formers around the nose leg are all birch ply.

The wood has arrived

A take off was done and the wood was ordered. This box is only the balsa !

How it all started

I wanted to build a Jet! So having previously built a Ziroli Bearcat , I decided to go with a Ziroli Panther F9F.
The reviews I found on the Web were encouraging, it seems that the Ziroli Panther was originally designed for a ducted fan circa. approx 11Ib of trust. So a turbine of 14- 18 lb should be fine. Most builders of this model seem to use a P80 or something similar. Here in the UK we have Wren so a Wren 75 or Wren 80 should suffice.
When I mentioned to my mates that a new project was on the way and that I would be getting the plans converted to CAD, with the intention of having the parts cut on a CNC, four of them decided to build the same model.
So the process of converting the plans to CAD started.